Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's Christmas Time!

The view from my window....

This is what I saw this morning when I got up! It's actually snowing really hard, but you can't tell from this picture unfortunately. Wait, what if I mess around a bit with the picture... Or you can try this.

Or what about this?

Way cool! That means I'm a YouTubber. I can post videos now. Neato. This video was taken by the webcam so it's a bit grainy, but who cares! It's cool! I've been listening to Christmas music all morning and having a (now cold) cup of Holiday Spice Chai Tea. I'm contemplating trying to go for a walk around the corner to bring my overdue video back to Blockbuster, but I seem to still be here, worried about the pain it would cause when I inevitably fall on the sidewalk. At the same time, trying to walk in the snow is fun because you can catch snowflakes with your mouth and look at how beautiful the world is in a blanket of white! It's gorgeous! Alright, I think I convinced myself that I can trade a large bruise on my ass for a fun trip outside with a toque on and all bundled up. Ciao.