Sunday, October 22, 2006

My New Web Album

Alright, just testing out a link to this photo album.
From Grandparents ...

Okay, so this is the actual picture with the album link below.

Hmmm... Try this:

That's better! I think. I don't know, more testing will have to be done as soon as I get more pictures into an album. :-) But this will be great as I get pictures posted while we travel. I can just post the link when I have updated new photos to prompt you to check it out. Easy!

Also, Alex set up Skype on his personal laptop (which is super slow) and we tested the video calling this morning. It's pretty cool. Well, in theory anyways. It just ended up as one picture frame because it froze. But on a faster computer it will be a lot better. So he will be downloading it onto his work laptop while we're away and we can use that.

Dinner time. So, like, I'll talk to you later, like, ok?

cute kitty

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