Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cadbury World

What can I say about Cadbury World? Well, let's say that it wasn't all I was hoping for and was a bit of a let down. But we did get free chocolate.

The first little bit was kind of interesting. We went through the "Aztec Jungle", which was just a bunch of plastic bushes with plastic people and plaques describing the discovery of cocoa beans. Very educational. Then we were told about John Cadbury's quest for the perfect chocolate. It seemed a bit much of propaganda to me, but I suppose, how else would they have it? A lady hologram was talking and asked if we could imagine a world without Cadbury's, and I figured Nestle would be happy.

The packaging plant area was such a let down as it was not operational. We couldn't even really see the conveyer belts because they blocked the view with boxes of Cadbury chocolates.

Me in a Beanmobile The Beanmobile ride was okay. You sat in a little car and it took you around "Beanville" and all the little cocoa beans sang and twirled around. It reminded me of "It's a Small World Afterall" in Disneyland. So what if some of the beans were broken? It was the magic of it all that counted!

There were some cool interactive things near the end that kids (big and small) liked. There was this one screen that you could stand in front of and pose, then it made you into a little chocolate sculpture. You could grow your own cocoa beans and test your green thumb through this video game.

I do have to say though, that the biggest scam of all was the 'make your own chocolate' bit. That's not what happens at all! You have 6-8 different fillings to choose from (popcorn, biscuit pieces, rice crispies, mint crunchies, etc), you can only choose one, and then they put it in a little cup and fill it with liquid chocolate. That's your amazing creation. You can't even mix the fillings. What a swizz.

This place should really have been called "Cadbury Dairy Milk World" because all of the chocolate that they talked about and sold there was made with their Dairy Milk chocolate. I was expecting to see more kinds of chocolate bars than just Dairy Milk, Flake, and Buttons. Although, that being said, I did spend a lot of money in that store. :-)

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