Sunday, December 17, 2006

It's The Little Things...

So posting a few times a week might have been a little over ambitious. But I had to write something when I had a moment, at least just to say hello to everyone! As I have to be off to sleep shortly (catching planes dead-tired has never had a good track record for me), I thought I'd just mention a couple things I've found as odd.

Firstly, English taps are separate. Now I don't know who thought of putting them together in the first place, but I want to share my gratitude for sparing me from this atrocity like they have over here. One tap is freezing cold water. The other is scalding hot. To wash your hands, you have to move your hands from one side of the sink to the other super fast in order to mimic the likeness of lukewarm water. And we all can imagine just how often you come away with a wondrous hand-washing experience. More likely you're either burnt or have numb hands.

Secondly, their bathrooms have tiles on the walls, but carpet on the floors. I don't understand. This makes no sense to me no matter how I try and rationalize it. Can could get tile everywhere... but to have it on the walls and carpet on the floor, well, I'll just leave it at that. :-)

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